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Farm to school is taking place in all 50 states, D.C. and U.S. Territories! Select a location from the list below to learn more or contact a Core Partner.
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This study, utilizing results from a 2015 national survey of ECE providers, explores farm to ECE activities in settings serving high proportions of low-income children.
National Farm to School Network & MSU Center for Regional Food Systems
November 13, 2018
In 2018, the National Farm to School Network and Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems surveyed early care and education providers across the country to better understand current initiatives, motivations and challenges in applying farm to school activities in early care and education settings.
Esta hoja informativa ofrece ideas sobre c??mo puede involucrarse en el dise?�o y la promoci??n de pol??ticas que apoyen de la Finca a la Escuela. [Resource in Spanish]
Servir alimentos locales en comidas y refrigerios es gratificante, pero puede ser desafiante al principio. Aqu?? hay algunas ideas para ayudarle a que el servicio de alimentos locales sea exitoso en su centro. [Resource in Spanish]
Hay muchos tipos diferentes de actividades para proyectos de la finca a la educaci??n temprana. Una opci??n es servir alimentos locales, como frutas, verduras, prote??nas, l?�cteos y granos, en comidas y refrigerios. Aqu?? hay algunas ideas para ayudar a que el servicio de alimentos locales en su hogar sea un ?�xito. [Resource in Spanish]
Esta hoja informativa proporciona informaci??n b?�sica sobre la granja a la escuela y el papel que desempe?�a la Red Nacional de la Finca a la Escuela en el movimiento de la Finca a la escuela. [Resource in Spanish]
The resources is a process guide for planning Native farm-to-school programs, as well as a guide for tribal officials to engage their leadership and create buy-in for the farm-to-school process.
October is National Farm to School Month. This Celebration Toolkit includes background information, activity ideas, communications tools, and a list of resources for implementing Farm to School Month celebrations in your community.
These resource, developed by The Policy Equity Group, align farm to ECE strategies with one of the most widely used ECE curricula���The Creative Curriculum��. The guides explores how teachers can use The Creative Curriculum�� for Preschool and The Creative Curriculum�� for Infants, Toddlers, & Twos as a foundation to embed farm to ECE learning opportunities into their existing practices.
By partnering with a food hub, a school district can significantly increase its local food purchases. This publication provides information from a pilot program used to grow farm to school purchases in northeast Iowa.
A research project conducted in 2014-15 tested the benefits of a partnership between area school districts and the Northeast Iowa Food and Fitness Initiative's (FFI) Iowa Food Hub - a non-profit food aggregator and distributor. This publication provides information on the project and discusses challenges faced and opportunities available in providing fresh, local foods to Iowa schools.
Incorporating indigenous foods into education and meals in early care and education (ECE) settings offers many benefits, including increasing children���s knowledge of tribal history and food ways and strengthening cultural, spiritual, and social connections in the community.
This webinar is intended to inspire Extension educators who want to make racial equity a more intentional part of their work ��� and an introduction to resources and tools to help do so. Shorlette Ammons of North Carolina���s Center for Environmental Farming Systems introduces webinar participants to tools and language used in racial equity training. This webinar gives an introduction to greater conversations and work surrounding racial equity and food access. This webinar was hosted by the eXtension working group on Undoing Inequality in the Food System which is part of the eXtension Community, Local and Regional Community of Practice, and the MSU Center for Regional Food Systems.
Community Groundworks developed this fact sheet to help early care and education sites promote family engagement and partnership through farm to early care and education activities.
This webinar recording shares different opportunities and avenues to fundraise for farm to school activities at any level. Information is shared about the FarmRaiser fundraising platform, planning for the USDA Farm to School Grant Program application, and fundraising support available from the National Farm to School Network.
RTI International & National Farm to School Network
June 4, 2018
The purpose of this technical report is to describe Oregon���s legislative process with regard to farm to school and identify Oregon���s farm to school state policy design attributes that have successfully leveraged limited state resources to improve farm to school participation among school districts.
In this webinar, the National Farm to School Network, the Farm to Family Project, and Northeast Iowa Food and Fitness share innovative programs that are leveraging farm to ECE as a key to family engagement and, in doing so, increasing healthy food access, healthy behaviors, and healthy relationships for children, families and communities.
Georgia Department of Public Health, Georgia Shape, and Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
April 9, 2018
The purpose of the Georgia Farm to Early Care and Education Overview and Strategy report is to provide a: General overview of Farm to Early Care and Education national and state goals and status
Review of the Spectrum of Opportunities for Georgia Farm to Early Care and Education
Three-year strategy for the Georgia Farm to Early Care and Education Coalition
Colleen Matts, David S. Conner, Caitlin Fisher, Shakara Tyler, Michael W. Hamm
April 8, 2018
This survey study was designed to better understand Michigan vegetable farmers' interest and willingness to participate in institutional markets and to identify perceived barriers and opportunities.
Colleen Matts & Dru Montri, Michigan Farmers Market Association
April 8, 2018
Learn how this program helps Michigan children and families have better access to good food while supporting Michigan farmers and increasing season extension food production
Center for Regional Food Systems, Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
April 8, 2018
This study investigated changes in Michigan school food service directors��� farm to school (FTS) participation levels and perspectives since a 2004 survey and factors that would facilitate FTS expansion.
NFSN offers recommendations for hosting state and regional farm to school events, including a list of resources, materials and support available from NFSN.
The New York State Ag and Market Harvest Chart is now available in English, Spanish, Russian, Bengali, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. Farm to School champions in New York State may find these charts helpful in explaining seasonality in their community.
The New York State Ag and Market Harvest Chart is now available in English, Spanish, Russian, Bengali, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. Farm to School champions in New York State may find these charts helpful in explaining seasonality in their community.
De la Finca a la Escuela ofrece m??ltiples estrategias para mejorar la salud de los ni?�os y las comunidades. Esta lista ofrece algunos primeros pasos sencillos para desarrollar un programa. [Resource in Spanish]
Los huertos escolares son una parte integral de los programas De la Finca a la Escuela y ofrecen una multitud de oportunidades educativas. Esta lista ofrece algunos primeros pasos sencillos para desarrollar un huerto escolar. [Resource in Spanish]
Esta hoja informativa ofrece una descripci??n general basada en la investigaci??n de los beneficios de la granja a la escuela y una lista de fuentes. [Resource in Spanish]
In honor of Multicultural Children���s Book Day, The Food Trust released this list of over a hundred books with farm to ECE themes that feature characters from Black, Latinx, Middle Eastern/Arab, First/Native Nations, Asian, and multiracial backgrounds.
In this webinar, NFSN partners and staff review NFSN's equity statement and farm to school practitioners share their successes and challenges with advancing equity through farm to school.
Rodale Institute, the birthplace of the organic movement, has put together this resource "My First Garden," to help teachers integrate school gardens into their classroom curriculum. This curriculum is designed for preschool or kindergarten children, but could be adapted to suit early elementary school needs.
Montana Crunch Time is an annual statewide event to celebrate National Food Day and National Farm to School Month in Montana by crunching into locally and regionally grown apples on a designated day. Download the Montana Crunch Time Guide and other resources annually.
The Montana Harvest of the Month program showcases Montana grown foods in Montana schools and communities. Each month, participating sites promoting one Montana grown or raised items by serving it in a meal, offering taste tests to students, and doing educational lessons and activities.
If you like digging in the dirt, you might enjoy gardening, too. Growing a garden with your kids will help you learn about plants. You might grow flowers or vegetables in your yard or inside your home in containers. As you work to take care of your plants, you will need to make sure they get water and sun to grow.
In this webinar learn from the National Farm to School Network and Natalie McKinney, Executive Director of the K?�kua Hawai��i Foundation and NFSN Hawai���i Core Partner, about the importance of advocacy and education with policy decision makers, and take away tips and tools for jumpstarting advocacy efforts in your own community.
In this webinar, the Policy Equity Group, the Food Trust, and the Center for Environmental Farming Systems share how they are evaluating internal structures and practices to prioritize equity and working towards programs and policies that place equity at the center of farm to ECE initiatives.
The National Farm to School Networks Theory of Change is grounded in our organizational Core Values, which reflect the spirit of inclusivity and collaboration with which NFSN was established, and embody the integration of equity, justice, mutual trust and respect in all elements of our work.
These reports showcase farm to school connections made, policies advanced and successes from across the country as reported by National Farm to School Network Core and Supporting Partners and staff.
This guide is intended to help Michigan State Head Start programs increase the amount of local foods they purchase and use for early care and education (ECE) programs serving children of migrant and seasonal farm workers.
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Local Foods
January 1, 2018
The Question Keeper Database is a database of survey questions that allows you to build your own evaluation questionnaire. The Question Keeper recently expanded farm to school/early care and education content and is easily searchable by content areas and target audience.
Project Learning Garden provides numerous lesson activities or Explorations (organized thematically in Collections) for every grade level Early Childhood through 8th Grade.
Qaqamiigux: Head Start Traditional Foods Preschool Curriculum provides a series of lessons and activities that preschool teachers can use to teach the nutritional value of the local, traditional foods in the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands Region. The aim is to provide culturally-relevant nutrition curriculum specific to the foods in the region.
The State Farm to School Legislative Survey provides a summary of each farm to school related bill proposed from 2002-2017, whether enacted, defeated or still pending. Also includes case studies, analysis of national trends and other tools for advocates.
In addition to instructions for establishing and maintaining a school garden in Minnesota, this guide contains 31 plant���science based lessons that assist in embedding its content into the classroom. All lessons are correlated to core curriculum concepts and Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards in science, social studies, language arts, math and nutrition.
The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the impact of two of Georgia Organics��� core F2S initiatives���the Golden Radish Award and FoodCorps' service���on the development and sustainability of F2S programming in Georgia between 2014-2016, in order to identify areas of program improvement, provide information for stakeholders, and guide operational decisions.
In this webinar recording, partners from Montana, New Jersey, North Carolina and Mississippi share how their states celebrate National Farm to School Month and other farm to school celebratory activities. Hear their tips and ideas for getting started in your community.
National Farm to School Network & Colorado State University
September 29, 2017
Using a survey and case study approach, this report examines the economic impact of local purchasing and provides new insight into the potential for farm to school procurement to positively impact local economies.
In this webinar, learn about federal legislative activities and state policy efforts that are advancing opportunities for the expansion of farm to school in K-12 and early care education settings nationwide. Presenters share key learnings from recent policy efforts, and discuss advocacy opportunities for getting involved in current initiatives.
In this webinar, learn about farm to schools opportunities and benefits for farmers and producers. Hear stories shared by three family farmers and catch a preview at NFSN's forthcoming case studies on the economic impacts of farm to school.
Growing with MO Harvest of the Season is a Missouri Farm to preschool program that offers resources and training for all types of early care and education settings. The goal is to educate children and the adults in their lives about the benefits of locally grown fruits and vegetables and help them find ways to eat more of these foods. The program focuses on 14 Missouri grown fruits and vegetables.
Wisconsin Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Program
September 12, 2017
"Got Dirt?" walks you through all the steps to plan and build a school garden, and provides example activities for garden programming. [Resource in Spanish]
Implement the new Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) meal pattern with these helpful tools. On October 1, 2017, the new standards that include a greater variety of vegetables, more whole grains, and less added sugars and saturated fat will go into effect. Available in Spanish and English
Explore a world of possibilities in the garden and on your plate using ten inquiry-based lessons that engage 5th and 6th graders in growing, harvesting, tasting, and learning about fruits and vegetables. More information is also available at Dig In! At Home Parent Booklet and Dig In! Posters.
Find documents in Spanish on the following: CA Frost Guide, Garden Tool List, Crop Planning Chart and Planting Guide, Introduction to Annual and Perennial Plants, Outdoor Classroom Management, Basic Garden Bed Types, Harvest Tips, and a Garden Feature Planning Chart.
Nuestra red promueve los huertos educativos y ayuda a que estos programas se fortalezcan, se multipliquen, y se conviertan en espacios de aprendizaje cada vez más nutridos. Esta página es una herramienta para el intercambio de experiencias, recursos e inspiración.
This Farm to Preschool program from the NYC Health Department uses the Just Say Yes to Fruit and Vegetables Stellar Farmers Market curriculum and recipes. The recipes focus on fruits and vegetables that grow in the NYC region. The recipes are available in English and Spanish.
The Life Lab Science Program distilled their years of world-wide school garden experience into a concise 50-page guide that asks and answers most questions you need to consider for creating an outdoor classroom garden. Items covered include your garden���s purpose; school staff, volunteers, and students; connecting with curriculum; site selection and design; theme gardens; fund-raising; public awareness; and more. Get this guide if you are thinking about starting a garden for your school or program, then move on to The Growing Classroom and Life Lab Science. This publication is available free as a PDF download
Estas recetas son aprobados por los padres, los maestros y los nios. Las recetas destacan los ingredientes locales y los ingredientes de temporada y son perfectas para cocinar las comidas memorables y los bocadillos a la casa y en la clase.
This garden-based nutrition education curriculum features seven full lesson plans that are aligned with Wisconsin's Model Academic Standards for Nutrition, Health, Science, and other related subjects. A series of shorter garden-based activities is also included.
Harvest for Healthy Kids gives you everything you need to inspire children with fresh food grown close to home. Download our free activity kits developed by teachers and childcare providers, and join us in helping a new generation thrive. (Resources available in English and Spanish.)
Oregon Harvest for Schools is a campaign to promote Oregon foods in school settings and to families. A variety of resources relating to the Oregon Harvest for Schools program are available here.
In Teaching in Nature's Classroom: Core Principles of Garden-Based Education, Nathan Larson shares a philosophy of teaching in the garden. Rooted in years of experience and supported by research, Larson presents fifteen guiding principles of garden-based education. These principles and best practices are illustrated through engaging stories from the field. The book features vivid paintings by mural artist Becky Redelings and connections to the research literature provided by Alex Wells and Sam Dennis of the University of Wisconsin Environmental Design Lab.
This resource aims to promote understanding amongst Head Start stakeholders of how farm to ECE supports achievement of Head Start Program Performance Standards and contributes to learning and development benchmarks as outlined in the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework.
This curriculum offers 12 months worth of creative and engaging activities aimed at introducing children to fruits and vegetables through sensory exploration while learning about the health benefits of fresh produce.
This procurement toolbox is designed to help early childhood programs purchase local food, and includes step-by-step instructions for purchasing from a variety of local food sources.
This resource is intended for use by stakeholders from diverse backgrounds (e.g., food systems, farm to school, policy) to facilitate a shared understanding of the early care and education sector and the natural opportunities to integrate farm to school initiatives into early care and education settings.
Statewide network building is a key approach to institutionalizing farm to ECE. Watch a recording of the April NFSN Farm to ECE Webinar to learn keys to success in building statewide networks.
This webinar discussed new opportunities for farm to school under the newest authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, called the Every Student Succeeds Act.
This toolkit is designed for educators, advocates, parents, and farm to school and ECE stakeholders to understand and act upon the opportunities under the Every Student Succeeds Act.
This Toolkit is a step-by-step guide for implementing successful farm field trips, with a new focus on tools for educating students about the important role of farmworkers in our food system.
Farm-to-school programs around the country have wrestled with the challenge of sourcing local meat. This publication series tells the story of the meat-to-school journey in northeast Iowa and what was learned along the way.
Six case studies highlight best practices from service providers using farm to ECE as an approach to support health, wellness, high-quality education, and community change.
This webinar recording shares highlights of the Good Food, Great Kids project, which developed a series of case studies on the emerging benefits of farm to early care and education.
This Taste Test Guide has the information, curriculum, and recipes needed for schools and cafeterias to implement monthly Vermont Harvest of the Month taste tests.
FoodSpan is a free high school curriculum developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future about food and how it gets from farms to forks. Features include: 17 inquiry-based lesson plans, 2 short films, and 100+ activities and extensions that can serve as homework assignments or group projects.
In this webinar, speakers from NFSN, USDA and MSU CRFS share tips for getting started, strategies for success, and innovative models that are scaling local purchasing practices in ECE settings.
Local school wellness policies are written documents that guide school districts��� efforts to establish school environments that support healthy eating and physical activity. Check out these resources for ways to get involved in making sure farm to school is included in your school's wellness policies.
Downloadable and customizable bookmark to celebrate National Farm to School Month. Two download options are available: 8.5x11 layout for easy printing and a single bookmark template.
Downloadable posters to celebrate National Farm to School Month. Two sizes: 11x8.5 and 11x17. Both sizes also include a customizable version with a blank space to add local event information.
The toolkit contains includes information about Farm to School Month 2016 activities, a sample press release, suggested social media posts and graphics, example text for newsletters and ideas and tips for making media pitches.
De la granja al pre-escolar ofrece m??ltiples estrategias para mejorar la salud de los ni?�os y las comunidades. Esta lista ofrece algunos primeros pasos sencillos para desarrollar un programa. [Resource in Spanish]