Local Policy Ask Template in Response to COVID-19

National Farm to School Network
April 29, 2020

National Farm to School Network is compiling local policy asks to create a COVID-19 Local Response Template for advocates. We have pulled together language from over 20 local organizations, and we are asking that more advocates and organizations continue to send us their ideas! This is a living document that focuses on more than farm to school because we understand that food justice is tied to the larger justice conversation. And it's important that we stand together on issues like workers' rights, access to healthcare, housing, and access to affordable healthy food.

Please feel free to pull ideas from this template, and make any changes needed, so that it addresses the needs of your community. If you have policy suggestions you would like us to consider adding to the list please reach out to our Krystal Oriadha, Senior Director of Programs and Policy, at krystal@farmtoschool.org.

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