NFSN Urges the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to Center Equity in the New Evaluation Framework

NFSN Staff
April 17, 2023

By Trisha Bautista Larson, MPH, Program Manager and Karen Spangler, MPP, Policy Director

The public health community has long referred to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC’s) Framework for Program Evaluation as a tool to enhance and disseminate public health strategies. Twenty-five years after its creation, the CDC recently announced it would update the framework and called for comments. National Farm to School Network (NFSN) understands that evaluation is an integral part of program and policy development, implementation, and sustainability – and when conducted with equity in mind, it has the power to cultivate community empowerment. As part of our commitment to our Call to Action, we have submitted comments to the CDC urging for racial and social equity principles to be embedded in the new iteration of the evaluation framework. This is a remarkable opportunity to confront the structural racism in program and policy research and analysis, which have been rooted in extracting information from communities, to one that reimagines the way findings are shared and increases stakeholder accountability.

CDC’s Evaluation Framework Update Should Include:

  • Systems Thinking - Provide tools that support a more complex view of program impact and reflect advances in public health research. Farm to school and farm to early care education practitioners see every day that health is shaped by more than just individual behavioral interventions. Thus, the new Framework should take into consideration the complexity of translating programs and policy recommendations into real world applications. Explicitly including approaches such as the Policy, Systems, and Environmental change allows for crucial flexibility in adapting “best practices” for program and policy implementation at the community and individual levels. Integrating PSE approaches in the new Framework can help bridge the complex intersection of inter/intrapersonal relationships, community, and other social factors with knowledge, behavior, and ultimately, long-term health outcomes for program and policy implementation. 
  • Asset-based Approach and Lived Experiences - Consider the lived experiences and knowledge that already exist in the communities intended to be served even prior to introduction to a new program or policy initiative. Proactively working to engage those who are directly impacted by health inequities can bolster the ability to make long-term change beyond a specific program or policy intervention. 
  • Collaboration - Ensure that evaluation design and evidence gathering are not extractive of communities. The new Framework should seek to embed and build upon Community-Based Participatory Research methods. Approaches like these foster equitable relationships between researchers/practitioners and community stakeholders to cultivate a space that centers mutuality and community empowerment. The new Framework should also be able to set fresher standards on ways to equitably communicate and distill research findings.

For additional information and framework around centering racial and social equity in farm to school evaluation, please visit NFSN’s Racial and Social Equity Assessment Tool for Farm to School Programs and Policy. This tool was developed in consultation with NFSN Partner organizations that are deeply rooted in embedding health equity in their work. 

We are thankful for the opportunity to offer this perspective to the CDC as they craft the next iteration of the framework for program evaluation. This is an essential time for agencies to be investigating the way in which practitioners – much like in the public health community – evaluate and communicate research findings that aim to impact health outcomes.

USDA Child Nutrition Program Rule Proposals — What are They and Why Should You Take Action? (Deadline: Extended to May 10, 2023)

NFSN Staff
April 3, 2023

What’s Inside? (Table of Contents)

  • Intro
  • What are “Rules” vs. “Laws” in General? Why is it Important to Advocate?
  • What are the Child Nutrition Program Rules and Why are They Important?
  • Rule Change Highlights
  • How Can I Learn More and Take Action?

On February 7, 2023, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced proposed rule changes to its child nutrition program standards. This will have a huge impact on school, after-school, and early child care meal programs. Before implementing these proposed changes, USDA is asking individuals and organizations to share feedback on how these changes would affect people and what to keep in mind when implementing.

The proposed rule changes include the following:

  • Expansion of local purchasing (a.k.a. “Geographic Preference”)
  • School nutrition standards, including added sugars, milk, grains, and sodium
  • Changes in professional standards for school nutrition careers 
  • Increased focus on traditional foods and menu planning for American Indian and Alaskan Native students
  • Increase in Buy American policies
  • And more

National Farm to School Network (NFSN) is excited that a number of our longtime policy priorities were adopted in these proposed rule changes, including buying local, strides in equity, and better career access.

More work is needed to make sure the most helpful rule change proposals become officially adopted. NFSN conducted a series of listening sessions and a survey from partners to put together and submit comments on behalf of the network. At the same time, we want to encourage YOU and your organization to consider submitting comments individually so that USDA can hear from a variety of relevant voices.

NFSN is invested in lifting the voices of people directly involved with school meals and other child nutrition programs because some of these changes, if done right, can help change these programs so their decision-making can be less focused on the bottom dollar and more based on values that better serve their students and communities.

A question we want you to consider as you advocate submit comments: How can USDA’s rules be implemented in ways that help make your values-based decisions more feasible?

Comments are due May 10, 2023. Continue reading for more information on the proposed changes, why they’re important, and how you can take action.

What are “Rules” vs. “Laws” in General? Why is it Important to Advocate?

Many people are aware about voting during election season. We vote for certain laws, and we vote for the individuals to represent us, including federal (Senators, House Representatives, and presidents) and state representatives (Senators, House Reps, and governors), plus other representatives like city council members, school board members, etc.

After being elected, our representatives propose bills and vote to pass them into law. This includes the Farm Bill and Child Nutrition Reauthorization, which NFSN does a lot of advocacy around. It’s easy to forget about this part of advocacy. Some may say things like, “we already voted for them, so there’s nothing we can do.” However, it’s just as important to tell our representatives how we want to be represented once they enter office.

After a law is passed, it’s then the responsibility of the different departments like USDA to take those laws and put them into action. Bills are often written with a degree of vagueness, and they can be open to interpretation on how the actual processes and logistics will go. This is called rule-making. This is yet another stage in the policy process where advocacy can come into play. It’s important to advocate for rules like the Child Nutrition Program rules to make sure they are implemented in ways that help the people affected.

What are the Child Nutrition Program Rules and Why are They Important?

In 1980, the federal government released the first Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). It was then established that USDA’s child nutrition programs must align with the up-to-date scientific evidence on a healthy diet set forth in the guidelines. USDA translates these high-level guidelines into specific rules for things like sodium levels or servings of vegetables. The standards are also important because they set rules for other aspects of how federal program funds are used, such as purchasing products.These rules directly affect school, after-school, and early care meals (as well as adult care food programs).

The current rules that are in place through the next school year were issued in 2022 as a temporary, transitional policy. The new proposed rules are called “durable rules,” meaning they will remain in place permanently until the next DGA update, which happens every five years.  However, it’s very possible that they will remain in place for an even longer time period if the DGA do not dramatically change.

Rule Change Highlights

NOTE: This is a simplified version of the changes. For fuller details, see “How Can I Learn More and Take Action” below.

Geographic Preference Expansion (i.e. Local Purchasing)

This rule change would simplify and expand local purchasing guidelines for schools. Current rules allow local purchasing as one of many factors schools can use to award a food vendor in a competitive bid. This rule change would allow child nutrition program operators to consider “local” a necessary factor that vendors must meet in a competitive bid.

NFSN strongly supports this rule change as complex purchasing policies for school meals are one of the biggest barriers for schools and early care and education sites to work with local, beginning, and small producers. This rule change would support local farmers and economies as well as help schools serve more fresh, local foods to students.

School Nutrition Standards

USDA sets specific standards that all child nutrition program operators must comply with and document in order to receive reimbursement for meals. These include the following:

  • Added Sugars: The proposed rule would create a limit on added sugars in all child nutrition programs (school breakfast, school lunch, and the Child and Adult Care Food Program, or CACFP). A product-based limit would begin in School Year 2024-2025 for grain-based desserts, breakfast cereals, yogurt, and flavored milk (see the proposed limits on grams of added sugar for each product here). This would replace the current weekly maximum limit that is in place for CACFP. Beginning in SY27-28, there would be an additional limit to ensure that, on average throughout the week, no more than 10 percent of calories per meal are coming from added sugars. “Added sugars” means products like cane or beet sugar, corn syrup, honey, maple syrup or agave, or other sweetener products containing calories. The proposed rule does not contain specifics about artificial sweeteners or products like stevia but commenters are encouraged to share their views with USDA. 
  • Milk: Current standards allow low-fat or fat-free flavored milk (such as chocolate milk) for all K-12 grade levels, in addition to unflavored milk. The proposed rule asks whether flavored milk should be limited to Grades 9-12, Grades 6-12, or allowed for all grades as it is currently.  
  • Sodium: The proposed rule would replace the current sodium targets with phased-in reductions. School breakfast would have a 10% reduction in the sodium limit in SY5-26, and another 10% reduction beginning SY2027. School lunch would have 10% reductions in SY25, SY27, and SY29. You can see the numeric limits for each phase and age group here.
  • Whole Grains: The current standards require 80% of products each week to be “whole grain rich.” The proposed rule asks for input on whether to keep the current standard or update to a requirement that all grains meet the whole grain-rich requirement, with the exception that enriched grains may be offered one day each school week.
  • Substituting Vegetables for Fruits at Breakfast: The proposed rule would allow providers to substitute vegetables for fruits in breakfast (such as potatoes) if the menu includes other “vegetable subgroups” (such as  leafy greens or carrots) on the other days. You can see the full breakfast Meal Pattern here for further details.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Currently, nuts and seeds can only count toward 50% of the “meat/meat alternate” requirement for a reimbursable meal, and must be accompanied by another protein food (such as cheese). The proposed rule would allow nuts and seeds to fully count toward the “meat/meat alternate” requirement, and renames the category to “proteins” for better clarity in meal planning.
  • NSLP Afterschool Snacks: The NSLP Afterschool Snacks program standards would now align with the CACFP snack standards. This change would require NSLP afterschool snack to contain at least two out of five component categories (milk, vegetables, fruits, grains, or meat/meat alternate). 
  • Competitive Foods: The rule keeps standards for calories, sodium, fats, and total sugars in USDA-designated “Smart Snacks,” and adds an exemption for hummus that allows it to be sold as a Smart Snack.

USDA is seeking feedback from the public and communities involved in administering or using these programs. 

Traditional Foods and Menu Planning Options

The rule changes include three specific regulations on traditional foods and menu planning:

  • It explicitly clarifies that traditional foods may be served as part of a reimbursable school meal
  • It establishes that the definition of “traditional foods” refers to a “food that has traditionally been prepared and consumed by an [American] Indian Tribe,” per the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2014
  • It expands the ability to substitute vegetables for grains in Tribally operated schools, schools operated by the Bureau of Indian Education, and schools serving primarily American Indian or Alaska Native children

This rule change could be one step in building a more inclusive school that supports students eating foods reflecting their cultures and supports the farmers that grow those foods. This supports NFSN’s Call to Action, that 100% of communities will hold power in a racially just food system. USDA is asking stakeholders whether this definition of “traditional foods” is the appropriate one. Additionally, USDA requests public input on additional menu planning options that would improve the child nutrition programs for American Indian and Alaska Native children. This is an excellent opportunity to elevate the needs and barriers facing child nutrition providers as they try to plan meals and purchase products that celebrate students’ cultures. 

Buy American

Currently, schools are encouraged to buy American but may be exempted when products aren’t easily sourced in the U.S. or there is a significant price difference. However, these exemptions are currently not defined nor documented. This rule change would set a 5% cap on total annual commercial food costs of non-domestic foods, and clarify that over 51% of a food product must consist of agricultural commodities that were grown domestically to count as a “domestic product.” Child nutrition program operators would be required to document their non-domestic food purchases as well as require “Buy American” provisions to be part of a food vendor’s contract.

This approach would dramatically improve USDA’s ability to understand the gaps and market opportunities in the school food value chain, but of course any additional documentation and compliance measures could be burdensome for school nutrition professionals. USDA wants to understand if this approach to limits and documentation will help meet the goal of supporting domestic producers and workers, who risk being undercut by cheaper competition, and supporting school nutrition professionals who may struggle with budget and product availability constraints.

Professional Standards

USDA aims to ease difficulties in hiring and increase professional career pathways in school nutrition. Current Professional Standards for medium and large districts participating in federal child nutrition programs require a degree. The proposed rule would allow medium and large school food authorities to substitute 10 years of school nutrition program experience for a bachelor’s or associate’s degree.

This rule change could remove unnecessary barriers to professional advancement for experienced child nutrition professionals. USDA is especially looking to hear from school nutrition professionals about the possible consequences of this change to make sure they implement this in a way that’s as helpful as possible.

How Can I Learn More and Take Action?

Read about the proposed rule changes and take note of what most directly affects you and your community:

Check out these additional resources from NFSN: 

After you determine which topics to focus on, read USDA’s specific questions for which they are seeking answers.

After you have written down your answers to USDA’s questions, submit your comments (click for instructions). Public comments must be submitted by May 10, 2023.

USDA has identified its specific questions, as well as created the resources/charts in the document above, to help simplify the process for members of the public, and we applaud this step to help people share their values and engage with USDA.

Let’s take action together and make sure our kids and communities are supported.

If you have any questions about the proposed rule changes, contact Karen Spangler at

Good News for Local Protein in Schools — And How You Can Get Involved!

NFSN Staff
March 13, 2023

By Cassandra Bull, Policy Intern

Most people might think of fruits or vegetables when imagining farm to school, but in many communities, local proteins are on the menu too — or could be. The federal government recently announced several policies to support mid-size livestock producers. In late February, the Biden-Harris Administration announced a $59 million investment in independent processors under the Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program. These awards were announced just weeks after the bipartisan Strengthening Local Processing Act of 2023 was introduced in the Senate. Both of these policies are part of an effort to reduce the negative consequences of concentrated power in our food system, which don’t just affect farmers and ranchers. Also in February, a meatpacking company was fined $1.5 million by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division for illegally employing 100 children in eight states and exposing them to hazardous conditions. At first glance, these federal actions may not appear to connect with farm to school. However, supporting decentralized processing facilities for small- and mid-size meat and poultry farmers is actually a vital component to bolster farm to school and promote a more just food system. 

Schools are required to offer protein in every school lunch and breakfast, so it makes sense to include local meat and poultry as part of a farm to school program. According to the USDA Farm to School Census, 15% of School Food Authorities (SFAs) purchased local protein during the 2018-2019 school year. An additional 20% of SFAs expressed an intent to purchase these local products in the future. The USDA’s fact sheet on Local Meat in Schools outlines success stories, tips, and benefits when it comes to serving local proteins, which include nutritional benefits for students, defrayed meal costs, and increased market opportunities for local farmers and fishers. 

It is clear why local protein is being featured on the menu in cafeterias throughout the country. Perhaps the greatest benefit is that local protein, which often is delivered frozen to schools, has an extended shelf life and can be used throughout the school year. This is particularly useful for schools in northern climates, which have less availability of fresh fruits and vegetables during winter months.

Equally important is that local proteins can allow schools to serve more culturally relevant meals in the cafeteria. For example, salmon in Alaska, many varieties of seafood in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, and buffalo highlighted by the Intertribal Agriculture Council are just some examples of ways local protein can be tailored to local cultural values. In Montana, a state where there are more than twice as many cows as there are people, the Montana Beef to School Project has created extensive resources for schools on how to purchase, process, and serve local beef in the cafeteria. 

While there are important benefits to serving local proteins, there are also real barriers for schools to purchasing local protein — one of these barriers arises from the logistics of sourcing local protein. Schools may have a difficult time purchasing local protein, not because of a lack of producers, but because there simply aren’t many businesses open to independent farmers that can process live animals into packaged ingredients. For example, a school food service director may want to purchase grass-fed beef that was raised on a farm eight miles away from their school. If the rancher does not have frozen meat already in stock, they will have to send live cattle to a USDA-inspected processing facility.

Schools, restaurants, and grocery stores are required to purchase meat that has been processed at a facility with a USDA inspector present at all times during livestock slaughter. Ranchers typically try to get on a routine schedule at their closest processing facility (for example, they may make an appointment every six months to process a predetermined number of cows). However, without an appointment made months in advance, a rancher may have to be put on a waiting list just to get an appointment. After this waiting period to process to get an appointment, it is not uncommon for a rancher to travel more than 100 miles, or drive several hours with the live animals in tow, to be processed at the closest certified facility.

These barriers, among others, are just some of the reasons that the federal government has stepped in to support independent, local meat processing. Two recent examples of support include:

  • The Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program is a USDA initiative that provides funding for meat and poultry processors to expand their businesses, create jobs, and increase processing capacity. The grant program aims to support rural economies by providing financial assistance for the construction, renovation, or improvement of meat and poultry processing facilities. The funding can be used for equipment purchases, working capital, and other expenses related to expanding the processing capacity of the facility. In February 2023, the USDA announced an investment of $59 million to support the growth and modernization of six small and mid-sized meat and poultry processors in rural areas. This program is a part of the Biden-Harris Administration's action plan for a fairer, more competitive, and more resilient meat and poultry supply chain
  • The Strengthening Local Processing Act of 2023, sponsored by Sen. Thune [R-SD], aims to increase support for small meat and poultry processing plants in the US, in an effort to help farmers and ranchers access local markets and provide consumers with more options for locally-sourced meat. The Act proposes to provide funding for states to develop and implement meat and poultry processing programs, increase the federal cost-sharing of state-inspected meat and poultry programs, and establish a loan guarantee program to help small processors access capital. The Act also aims to improve food safety by providing grants for training and technical assistance to processors, and by allowing small processors to participate in the Cooperative Interstate Shipment program. Overall, the Act seeks to strengthen the local food system and support small-scale producers and processors.

National Farm to School Network partners can get involved in these two initiatives right now. You can read more about the award recipients of the Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program here. If any are in your area, you can contact these recipients to see if there is room for collaboration on how your organization can support school sourcing of local protein. For those looking to support the Strengthening Local Processing Act of 2023, our partner organization, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, has a webpage with boilerplate language for how to promote this bill to your elected officials. Addressing critical livestock and poultry supply chain issues will help bolster resilient food systems and allow our communities, kids, and farmers to win in the years to come. 

For more information or questions, contact Karen Spangler, NFSN’s Policy Director, at

Announcing the Racial Equity Learning Lab

NFSN Staff
March 6, 2023

The National Farm to School Network (NFSN) is excited to announce a partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to convene the Racial Equity Learning Lab (the “Lab”).

The purpose of the Lab is to advance racial equity within the farm to school movement, mobilizing partners in the movement towards a deeper understanding of how to apply racial equity in our collective work and providing the necessary tools and resources to do so.

In 2020, NFSN launched the pilot Lab and co-developed curriculum with a 13-person, cross-sector cohort from across the country. Now, in partnership with the USDA, NFSN will continue and build upon the program and further collaborate to deepen the understanding of how racial equity can be integrated with farm to school/early care education (ECE).

The Lab is meant to be replicable and tailored to fit the unique assets and needs of individual organizations and communities, and the curriculum will constantly evolve as new cohorts participate in the process.

To ensure the Lab is rooted in its intended values, NFSN formed an advisory council to help plan the curriculum. The Advisory Council consists of expert stakeholders who have been immersed in applying a racial equity lens in their work in the food systems and/or have long-established expertise in farm to school. Council members were selected with high regard for their collective ability to contribute towards resource development, literature review, as well as facilitation and participation framework design for the Lab. We are excited to announce the following Lab Advisory Council members:

  • Jamese Kwele
  • Joshua Yuen-Schat
  • Mark Becker
  • Tessa Thraves
  • Tina Wong
  • Yousef Buzayan

We are also excited to have an equity consultant, Alena Paisano, working together with us through the project’s end in summer 2025. For full bios, check out the full Racial Equity Learning Lab page.

The Lab supports NFSN’s collective Call to Action: 100% of communities will hold power in a racially just food system. NFSN’s approach is reflected here, building authentic relationships valuing connections over transactions.

To learn more and apply for the Racial Equity Learning Lab, click here. For questions, contact Trisha at

Celebrating Black History Month

NFSN Staff
February 21, 2023

By Jillian Muñoz, Communications Intern

February is Black History Month, a dedicated time to pay attention to the power and resilience of the Black community and to celebrate the many Black leaders on whose shoulders we stand. At National Farm to School Network, we envision a food system centered on justice, which we know we cannot achieve without racial justice. We recognize that racism, including anti-Black racism, persists in the farm to school movement. At NFSN, we have a responsibility and a commitment to correct this and to be an anti-racist organization. 

This month, we urge you to join us in learning about Black history and celebrating Black leaders, practitioners, and community members who drive forward the farm to school movement. Check out the following resources to learn more: 

Articles to Read

  • Farming While Black in America (Anti-Racism Daily) Black ranchers in Colorado have been the target of racial harassment after purchasing land in a predominately white region. As legislation to protect Black farmers remains stalled in the courts, it's especially disheartening to hear how discrimination further alienates them from the land they deserve. Read the full article to learn how you can support their story.
  • Black-led Food Co-ops Restore Justice, Hope, and Power (FoodTank) The United States has seen the opening of more than 167 food cooperatives since 2006, according to the Food Co-op Initiative (FCI). Within this movement, Black-led co-ops are tackling food access and racial justice, which can help to fulfill a community’s needs while addressing systemic inequalities to restore power to the people.
  • There Were Nearly a Million Black Farmers in 1920. Why Have They Disappeared? (Guardian). Today there are just 45,000 African American farmers. Learn more about how one man is fighting to save them.
  • Black US Farmers Dismayed as White Farmers’ Lawsuit Halts Relief Payments (Guardian) Funds were intended to address discriminatory policies – but ‘promises to Black farmers are always put on hold.'
  • These Chicago Urban Farmers are Growing Local Food in the Wake of Steel Industry Pollution (Civil Eats) Surrounded by the pollution resulting from decades of steel production, a community garden is providing relief to Chicagoland communities.

Media to Watch and Listen To

  • High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America. In this 4-episode docuseries, Chef and writer Stephen Satterfield traces the delicious, moving throughlines from Africa to Texas. It examines the influence of racial disparity, classism, and labor relations on African American food culture and gives viewers a deeper understanding of “America's deep-rooted history of slavery, and the impact on American food as we know it today.” Watch this series on Netflix.
  • Leah Penniman Keynote at Moses Organic Farming Conference 2020. Leah Pennimman, author of “Farming While Black” and co-founder of Soul Fire Farm, gave an information-packed keynote speech at the 2020 Moses (renamed Marbleseed) Organic Farming Conference. Her talk covers the history of Black agriculture in the US and the importance of community and leadership in the fight for racial equity in labor, land ownership, agriculture, and society in general. Watch the entire keynote here.
  • Just Food Podcast - Episode 2 - Black Slow Food: A Local Food Story. In the second episode of Victoria Ginzburg’s Just Food Podcast, she invites Chef Isaiah Martinez to talk about his experience being an Afro-Caribbean man embracing slow food values while cooking up multicultural meals in the Pacific Northwest. He talks about not only his background, but also his business practices in his effort to be more sustainable and mindful. Listen to the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or SoundCloud.
  • A Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA - TEDTalk. Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA — in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer some alternative to fast food in a community where "the drive-thrus are killing more people than the drive-bys." Watch the TEDTalk here.
  • The Next Big Thing is Coming from the Bronx, Again - TEDTalk "The hood is good," says Jon Gray of the Bronx, New York-based creative collective Ghetto Gastro. Working at the intersection of food, design and art, Gray and his team honor the soul and history of their community while applying their unbridled creativity and expansive imagination to unexpected, otherworldly collaborations. Learn more about how they're creating and investing in their home borough — bringing the Bronx to the world and vice versa. Watch the TEDTalk here.

Books to Dive Into

We recommend purchasing books from Black-owned bookstores, such as the Reparations Book Club in Los Angeles—purchase from them online here or find a local Black-owned bookstore by state here.  

  • Emergent Strategy by Adrienne Maree Brown. Inspired by Octavia Butler's explorations of our human relationship to change, Emergent Strategy is radical self-help, society-help, and planet-help designed to shape the futures we want to live.
  • Black Food Matters: Racial Justice in the Wake of Food Justice by Editors Ashanté M. Reese and Hanna Garth. For Black Americans, the food system is broken. When it comes to nutrition, Black consumers experience an unjust and inequitable distribution of resources. Black Food Matters examines these issues through in-depth essays that analyze how Blackness is contested through food, differing ideas of what makes our sustenance "healthy," and Black individuals' own beliefs about what their cuisine should be.
  • A Black Women's History of the United States by Daina Ramey Berry & Kali Nicole Gross. A vibrant and empowering history that emphasizes the perspectives and stories of African American women to show how they are—and have always been—instrumental in shaping our country.
  • Belly of the Beast: The Politics of Anti-Fatness as Anti-Blackness byDa’Shaun L. Harrison. Da’Shaun Harrison–a fat, Black, disabled, and nonbinary trans writer–offers an incisive, fresh, and precise exploration of anti-fatness as anti-Blackness.

While there are just a few days left of Black History Month 2023, our commitment to listening to and lifting up Black voices and leadership in farm to school doesn't stop at the end of February. Every day is the right day for learning more, being honest about and addressing the racism and inequities in our work. You can read more about National Farm to School Network's commitment to centering our work in equity here, and read more about our Call to Action here.

Opinion: How Colorado’s Healthy School Meals for All Bill Supports Farmers and Students

NFSN Staff
January 20, 2023

By Roberto Meza, CEO of East Denver Food Hub

As a small farmer in Colorado, I'm so thrilled the voters supported the Healthy School Meals for All bill. It means schools will be able to source local ingredients from local farmers like us. It will also help strengthen Colorado's economy and our students' health.  

This bill was personal for me. As a farmer, it hits at the heart of one of the biggest issues I'm trying to solve. How can small scale farmers provide food in an accessible way? How can we do it in a way that people can afford without jeopardizing our own viability?

It is difficult for small farmers to compete with some of the larger agriculture corporations. Yet we know that we're providing the values we need to transform our food systems. We want to provide food that has a net benefit to people, to the planet, to animals. We also want to uplift equity and economic justice in our food system. It means  thinking about food in a different way beyond price. And It means a lot that voters supported that.

The bill was the brainchild of Denver-based nonprofit, Hunger Free Colorado. Earlier, they worked on a bill to fund food pantries to buy Colorado-grown products in the Food Pantry Assistance Grant. Regional food coordinators like me were contracted to connect farmers to those food pantries. We created a value chain that orients the food supply chain around values such as equity, dignity, and food justice. It addresses the viability of local farmers and food insecurity at the same time. Throughout the COVID pandemic, that bill helped many farmers keep operating. Then this year, I played a key role informing the language on the Healthy School Meals for All ballot initiative.

Students deserve Internet access and books and water. It's about time we put healthy food in the same category. We also know that the public food dollar can circulate more times in local Colorado economies. It shouldn't disappear into corporate coffers.

We're talking about a radical paradigm shift in our food and farming ecosystem. Access to fresh healthy food is a basic human right. Now, we can look at farmers as stewards offering a public service. We're not just a farm enterprise operation. It's what we need if we're ever going to solve bigger issues. I mean things like climate change, inflation, and the spike in food insecurity, not to mention supply issues. This bill is an innovative solution that helps us mitigate hunger within a highly precarious US economy.

Aside from being a farmer, I also connect farms to community markets as cofounder of the East Denver Food Hub, an organization that addresses food resilience by offering the services of aggregation and distribution of local food. We began by focusing on building procurement contracts with community organizations such as food pantries and with anchor institutions such as hospitals and schools. A big moment was when we contracted with 29 schools to supply microgreens. For the schools, it was a small contract, almost an afterthought. For us, it made a huge difference in our bottom line. We realized the possible impact we could have on local farmers if school districts could do more. For all 29 schools, it came to about $1,800 a week. But a contract worth close to $100,000 a year can transform the life of local farmers as well as feed our students.

The bottom line is that as farmers, we see the impact of a food system that doesn't value land, people, or animals. We see the impact of a food system that doesn't value community. We see it expressed in climate change. Our orchards are dying off because of erratic temperature shifts. We're seeing the disappearance of arable land. Droughts and fires pose huge risks to agricultural producers here. These are the unintended consequences of an industrialized food system. Now we're coming to terms with those consequences.

We don't have a lot of time. We need to shift how the food system works. Future generations are going to inherit the impact of our decisions right now. And I definitely don't want to wake up one day and have those generations hold me accountable.

Let's do our work now to shift power. Let's shift the trends and the decisions and the food system. We need to create innovative solutions that can have a huge benefit now and in the long run. Initiatives such as Healthy Meals for All are one step forward in the right direction.

The measure in Colorado leads the way for the rest of the country. Networks of other groups in the National Farm to School Network are working on it. And I'd encourage others across the country to follow suit.

—Roberto Meza is a first-generation farmer, artist, and local food advocate. Originally from Mexico, Roberto is the Cofounder of Emerald Gardens, a year-round greenhouse farm in Bennett, CO addressing land access and climate resilience in agriculture, and CEO of East Denver Food Hub, a local food distributor based in Denver. His work lies at the intersection of policy, regenerative food systems, and environmental stewardship. He is President of the Board of the National Young Farmers Coalition, and a board member of Zero Food Print. He is a recent Governor-appointed member of the Colorado Agricultural Commission, and served on the White House Food Task Force.

Farm to ECE: A Year in Review

NFSN Staff
December 16, 2022

We’ve gathered all of the farm to ECE resources developed in 2022 by the National Farm to School Network in one place. If you’ve developed farm to ECE resources this year and would like to share them with the farm to ECE community, please send them to

Enhancing Children’s Access to Local Foods and Farm to ECE: Federal Funding Opportunities (Guide)  

This guide provides functional descriptions of actionable and timely funding streams, including an overview of the funding eligibility requirements, allowed uses, timeline, flow of funds, and strategies for action. The guide also highlights case examples of how entities across the country are creatively leveraging funding streams for farm to ECE. The purpose of this guide is to prepare and position farm to ECE partners to effectively apply for funding.

Farm to Early Care and Education Shared Metrics: Outcomes, Indicators, and Measures for Farm to ECE Evaluation (Toolkit & Guide) 

National Farm to School Network (NFSN) and The Policy Equity Group's (PEG) Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) Shared Metrics resource is intended for farm to ECE practitioners and evaluators to guide planning, implementation, research, evaluation, and reporting efforts. The resource consists of a resource guide, a library of metrics specific to farm to ECE, and an orientation video. With a focus on metrics related to equity, this resource can move our collective farm to ECE work forward under shared priorities and language. This alignment of priorities can also guide and improve decision-making for policymakers and funders who will be able to make better-informed decisions on the growth and direction of the farm to ECE movement.

Aligning Farm to Early Care and Education with Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (Fact Sheet) 

Integrating farm to early care and education (ECE) into Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS) standards can help expand the reach of and reduce barriers to farm to ECE programming. Farm to ECE strategies align with a variety of QRIS domains, such as professional development, family engagement and community partnerships, and learning environment. This fact sheet explores strategies states can take to integrate farm to ECE into their QRIS, including case studies and sample language. 

2021 National Farm to Early Care and Education Survey (Research Briefs & Fact sheet) 

In 2021, the National Farm to School Network and Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems surveyed early care and education (ECE) providers across the country to better understand current initiatives, motivations and challenges in applying farm to ECE activities in early care and education settings. More than 2,900 providers in 26 states and Washington, D.C. responded and shared the benefits and challenges of connecting young children to healthy, local foods, gardening, and food and agriculture education through farm to ECE.

Blog Post: How Hawai‘i is Improving Its Farm to Early Care and Education Landscape with Its First Farm to ECE Coordinator (Blog Post) 

Learn about how Hawai’i advocated for their first Farm to ECE Coordinator and his goals for Hawai’i’s farm to ECE movement. 

Farm to Early Care and Education State Resource Directory

We have compiled farm to ECE resources developed by state partners across the country. We hope this directory will help the larger farm to ECE community and celebrate the amazing resources available to us. 

Opinion: Student Leader Applauds California's Free School Meals for All

NFSN Staff
December 6, 2022

By Kristie To

Kristie To is a high school student in Orange County. She serves in Student Government, her local Youth Advisory Council, and is on the Board of Directors and Executive Branch of the California Association of Student Councils.

"This school year, California’s new “School Meals for All” program began. As a student leader serving my school, the city of Irvine, and the California Association of Student Councils, I applaud California for being the first state to provide every K–12 student in our public schools with free breakfast and lunch.

My peers and I rely on school breakfast and lunch every day. Many of my closest friends do not have the time and are not in the financial situation to provide themselves with meals to fuel their school day and concentrate in class. My parents and older sister have full-time jobs, and I struggle to prepare meals for myself with my busy schedule. This new program has alleviated the stress of buying and preparing meals that previously strained students and families."

View the full op-ed here.