Tell Us Your Story

Stories are powerful. Good stories about what's happening on the ground help us advocate for supportive policies and raise awareness about the benefits of farm to school.

Use the form below to share information about farm to school or farm to early care and education work you are involved with or to share a resource that you think should be posted on our resource page. We will contact you for permission before using your name or the details of your story publicly.  

Here are some ways you could use this form:

  • You successfully used a USDA Farm to School Grant to implement farm to school practices in your community.
  • You are a food producer or processor who was able to expand your business because of farm to school.
  • You are a family child care provider, and you have cute kid quotes and pictures to share from your first edible garden harvest day.
  • You have an idea for how policy on the local of federal level could better support your work.
  • Your organization developed a new resources, such as curriculum or evaluation tools, and you want to share it with our network.

Fill out as much of the information below as you can, and let us know if you have questions!

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